How can we be happy?
That is a hell of a loaded question. But one that’s become increasingly important to answer during these harsh times.
Confronted with systematic episodes of despair by some of my friends, I’ve decided to try to provide insight into one of the ways I’m able to feel genuine happiness.
To better understand it, we must start by looking at happiness not as a goal, but rather as a by-product of a certain action we decide to take on.
And the pathway to it is really about meaning.
And I believe meaning is to be found in the adoption of responsibility.
It’s acting in a manner that is in accordance with what you believe to be right but doing it in a manner that simultaneously expands your ability to do it.
Meaning that you cannot stay safely settled within the confines of your current beliefs.
You have to stand on the edge of what you know and expose yourself continually to the consequences of your ignorance to expand your domain of knowledge and ability.
Leading you to not only act in an efficient manner but also in increasing the efficiency and meaningfulness of what it is that you’re engaged in.
And I believe that’s when true happiness descends upon you because it’s an indication from the deepest recesses of your psyche that you’re in the right place at the right time.
You’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing but you’re doing it in a manner that expands your capacity to do even better things in the future.
And I think that’s the deepest human instinct there is and it’s not rational. It's far deeper than that. And it’s something that’s genuine and that exists within us and that constitutes a proper guide to move forward, to create, and to grow.
In doing this, I find myself experiencing happiness, not as a goal, but as a by-product of doing what I believe to be right.
And it feels damn visceral down to the atomic level.
By no means do I see this as the one-size-fits-all answer to such a multi-dimensional problem. There are many.
But is one I’ve held onto continuously. And one I hope can settle a new perspective on where your energy should really be aiming at.
Hold tight.